Policies are strategically aligned so that: relevant agencies are driven by the same principles and contribute toward the same outcomes; and there is cross-government engagement with Crown entities and other parts of the relevant sector.

Focus on contributing to the Government’s wider policy priorities

The responsible Minister

The Crown entity

  • understands its expected contribution to wider Government priorities and factors it into planning
  • supports current policy settings with external parties
  • uses an evidence-based approach to identify and advise on the entity’s contribution to achieving the Government’s wider priorities

Monitoring department

  • uses an evidence-based approach to identify and advise on the entity’s contribution to achieving the Government’s wider priorities
  • provides context and advice on how entity operations can or could contribute to Government’s sectoral or system objectives
  • informs the entity (in a timely manner) of all-of-government policy priorities

Connect with work in other portfolios

The responsible Minister

  • actively engages with other Ministers on sector issues affected by work in other portfolios
  • actively looks for opportunities to engage with other Ministers on issues affected by their own portfolio

The Crown entity

  • understands Government policies that affect its sector
  • works with the Department to provide the Minister with timely advice on relevant cross-portfolio issues

Monitoring department

  • understands Government policies that affect the entity’s sector
  • works with the entity to provide the Minister with timely advice on relevant cross-portfolio issues
  • looks across departmental boundaries to build partnerships with government agencies whose work affects the Minister’s portfolio interests

Coordinate work within the portfolio

The responsible Minister

  • ensures the entity’s activities are well coordinated and coherent with others in the portfolio

The Crown entity

  • actively engages with other portfolio entities as required to ensure coordinated and coherent action

Monitoring department

  • leads action to ensure that entities within the portfolio are well coordinated and take coherent action

Engage on strategic aims and priorities

The responsible Minister

  • engages with the entity in a meaningful and timely manner on strategic aims and priorities and the overall use of the entity’s resources to achieve these over the next four years
  • confirms that the draft Statement of Intent (SOI) reflects their own expectations
  • ensures ongoing review of the entity’s multi-year strategic plans

The Crown entity

  • engages with the Minister in a meaningful and timely manner on the entity’s strategic aims and priorities
  • proposes interventions based on a plausible and transparent intervention logic or theory of change
  • during the development of the SOI, engages with the Department on its structure and content
  • advises the Minister on the overall use of its resources to achieve its strategic aims and priorities over the next four years, in its draft SOI
  • advises the Minister on any identified capacity and capability risks to policy and/or service delivery
  • ensures the draft SOI reflects the Minister’s expectations
  • puts systems in place to ensure ongoing review of its multi-year SOI and annual SPE
  • understands that the Minister can ask for a new SOI at anytime

Monitoring department

  • ensures policy intentions are clear and based on evidence about the issue
  • advises on whether proposed interventions are based on a plausible and transparent intervention logic and theory of change
  • advises the Minister on the fit between the entity’s strategic aims and priorities and overall use of resources, and the Minister’s objectives
  • advises the Minister in the event that the entity has concerns about its capacity or capability
  • provides the entity with feedback on whether the draft SOI reflects the Minister’s expectations and responds to feedback from the Office of the Auditor-General
  • puts systems in place to ensure ongoing review of the entity’s multi-year SOI and annual SPE

Include the entity in relevant policy work

The responsible Minister

  • ensures the entity is involved in policy decisions affecting its areas of work

The Crown entity

  • contributes to policy discussions as an expert partner
  • takes a ‘big sectoral picture’ approach to its policy work
  • respects confidences when invited to provide input to policy development
  • discusses any disagreement about current policy settings with the Minister in private, to preserve confidence in the entity as part of a politically neutral Public Service and wider public sector

Monitoring department

  • exercises good practice in policy design, development, analysis, implementation and evaluation
  • advises the entity of its own priorities
  • seeks expert input from the entity on policy design and implementation
  • ensures the entity’s research capacity is appropriately harnessed to inform portfolio policy development

Involve the sector in designing and implementing policies

The responsible Minister

  • recognises the importance of engaging the sector in designing and implementing policy goals and delivery programmes
  • seeks feedback from the sector on the entity’s performance

The Crown entity

  • actively engages with sector organisations and communities in designing and implementing policy goals and delivery programmes and achieves agreed approaches
  • looks across entity/sectoral boundaries to build partnerships necessary to success

Monitoring department

  • has systems in place to manage productive engagement with sector stakeholders
  • informs the entity of its sector engagement intentions

Build wider relationships to support policy interests

The responsible Minister

  • builds critical relationships with the private sector to obtain better results for the entity and the sector

The Crown entity

  • works effectively with other government agencies, NGOs and the private sector to advance wider policy interests

Monitoring department

  • assists the Minister and/or the entity in engaging with other parties to advance wider policy interests