The following resources are designed to help agencies at different points in moving to flexible-by-default. You can select whichever of these resources are useful, depending on where you currently are in your move to flexible-by-default.

Resource 1: Case studies of flexible-by-default in practice

Resource 2: Flexible working options

Resource 3: The benefits of flexible working

Resource 4: Example processes for establishing flexible working arrangements

Resource 5: Agency self-assessment tool

Resource 6: Example communication objectives and key messages

Resource 7: Common questions and concerns and suggested responses

Resource 8: Flexible working challenges and suggestions for addressing these

Resource 9: Tips for leaders, managers and employees

Resource 10: Addressing health and safety, and information security and privacy

The principles of flexible-by-default - ‘If not, why not?’, ‘Works for the role’, ‘Works for the agency and teams’, ‘Championed by leaders’, ‘Mutually beneficial’, and ‘Requires give and take’ - set out the balance that needs to be achieved between what works for the agency as a whole, what works for teams and what works for employees. They also establish expectations of fairness for all - employees, team members and managers - and of openness and flexibility on all sides.