Crown Entity Resource Centre (CERC)
The CERC supports statutory Crown entity performance, appointments, governance and monitoring.
Collectively, Crown entities are responsible for a significant proportion of government expenditure and service delivery. Services provided by Crown entities touch the lives of New Zealanders every day.
The legal basis for the way that Crown entities operate is set out in the Crown Entities Act 2004, with further requirements in other legislation including the Public Finance Act 1989 and Public Service Act 2020. In addition, each Crown entity is subject to its own founding legislation.
Crown Entities Act 2004 — New Zealand Legislation
Find a list of all Crown entities on our website.
There are several different types of Crown entity. These are described in section 7 of the Crown Entities Act 2004.
Section 7, Crown Entities Act 2004 — New Zealand Legislation
An important subset of Crown entities, the ‘statutory entities’, deliver a particularly wide range of government services. Statutory Crown entities fall into 3 categories, depending on their level of independence from ministers. These are:
For clarity, we refer to statutory entities on this site as statutory Crown entities.
Statutory Crown entities must deliver services and functions in accordance with their establishment legislation. They are generally funded to do so through a combination of taxpayer funding, in some cases from fees, charges and levies on users, and in some cases from other sources.
Most statutory Crown entities are governed by boards appointed by a responsible minister. A small number of ‘corporation sole’ Crown entities have a sole member acting as the board and chief executive.
Statutory Crown entity ‘independence’ relates to their statutorily independent functions defined in their establishment legislation. They are not ‘independent’ of the Crown’s ownership interest and may have to give effect to or have regard to a range of directions and policies and whole-of-government directions.
Specifically, statutory Crown entities are expected to respond to priorities and expectations set for them by their responsible minister. They are also subject to a wider range of policies, standards, requirements and expectations that apply to core government departments, including in areas such as integrity, employment relations and working across organisational boundaries in the delivery of services. These requirements and expectations may vary slightly, dependent on the type of statutory Crown entity.
Statutory Crown entity boards are accountable both to their responsible ministers, and to Parliament, for their performance and use of funds.
A Crown entity board chair provides effective leadership, governance and direction to the board and entity, consistent with the responsible minister's expectations. They ensure effective accountability and governance of the entity, consistent with the requirements of relevant legislation including the Crown Entities Act 2004. The Chair leads engagement with the responsible minister and the monitoring department.
Research on the views of leading corporate and public sector board chairs reports that the personal qualities and attributes of board members matter a great deal to chairs.
Ministers usually seek specific skills, knowledge and experiences from preferred Crown entity board candidates. These ‘technical’ competencies do not provide the appointing Minister or Chair insight to the candidate’s personal qualities and attributes that make them a good candidate for appointment. In other words, Ministers and chairs will be looking for people with the ‘right’ personal qualities and attributes to build a high performing board.
The maturity matrix below summarises the personal qualities and attributes of high performing public sector chairs and a parallel matrix for high performing board members (which can be printed on A3 for ease of reading). The matrix aims to achieve three main purposes:
Some of the attributes may seem to be repetitive. They recognise that the way people describe a particular attribute may differ. This will help the user to cross check their interpretation of specific attributes.
We provide guidance to the boards of statutory Crown agents, autonomous and independent Crown entities, and Tertiary Education Institutions (TEIs) on chief executive terms and conditions including remuneration. The Public Service Commissioner has a statutory role in consenting chief executive terms and conditions as specified in section 117 of the Crown Entities Act 2004.
Section 117, Crown Entities Act 2004 — New Zealand Legislation
At the request of Cabinet, we have publicly reported on chief executive pay since 2010 to provide transparency for the public. This includes the chief executives of Crown agents and other statutory Crown entities, and TEIs.
Workforce Data — Senior leader remuneration/pay
We provide advice and guidance to agencies on the interpretation and implementation of the Cabinet Fees Framework and review the Framework on behalf of Cabinet every 3 to 4 years.
Under the Public Service Act 2020, statutory Crown entities and their boards are subject to a range of requirements and standards set by the Public Service Commissioner, including a code of conduct for board members.
Code of conduct for Crown entity board members
Together with the Treasury, we jointly administer the Crown Entities Act 2004. The Commission administers the parts of the Act that detail establishing, governing, and operating Crown entities. As part of this, we take a system leadership role by providing guidance on good practice in the operation of statutory Crown entities. The Treasury administers the part of the Act that details Crown entity reporting and financial obligations (see below).
The following are the 3 key players in the operation of each statutory Crown entity. An operating expectations framework is set out in the Commission’s guidance document ‘It Takes Three’.
The Enduring Letter of Expectations to Statutory Crown Entity Boards (ELOE) is issued by the Ministers of Finance and for the Public Service in their capacity as being jointly responsible for the Crown Entities Act 2004 (CEA). The ELOE provides a non-legislative lever for the Government to communicate its long-term vision for and general expectations of all statutory Crown entities. An ELOE can serve to underpin entity specific letters of expectation from Ministers responsible for Crown entities. It can influence the performance and behaviour of Crown entities, especially in relation to the cost-effective delivery of services and outcomes, and the integrity with which they perform their duties and functions.
It Takes Three – the overall operating expectations framework.
A guide for ministers – comprehensive guide for ministers for engaging with Crown entities.
Board Appointments and Induction Guidelines – sets out best practice appointment processes.
Crown entity performance levers for Ministers to get the performance they want
Four page summary guide for responsible Ministers
Ministerial Checklist for Supporting Appointments to Statutory Crown Entity Boards
Crown entity boards
Expectations and requirements
Appointments and induction
The Treasury provides guidance aimed at Crown entities for preparing the required accountability documents as detailed in part 4 of the Crown Entities Act 2004.
Part 4,Crown Entities Act 2004 — New Zealand Legislation
This guidance includes:
The Crown entity system relies on ministers, entities and monitoring departments working well together. Effective engagement requires clarity about respective roles and responsibilities and a shared understanding of ‘how’ legislative obligations are put into practice.