This guidance is currently being reviewed to ensure it aligns with Government expectations as announced on Monday 23 September.

Use this team charter to establish team norms for a successful hybrid working team. 

Team charter

We will use this charter to discuss, set and review the ground rules for how we will work efficiently. We will review it regularly, particularly as new people join our team.

Date details

Date agreed

 Note the date the charter was finalised

Next review date

Agree how often the charter will be reviewed — recommend you review every 3 months or when someone new joins the team

Common days and hours

Our best anchor day

Agree which days the team will usually be in the office together

Our best team hours

Agree what hours people can be contacted (for example, 9am to 5pm)

Communication platforms, what we use them for and how we use them


What we are worried about and how we will raise these concerns

Things to consider for effective communication

Our agreements about how we will communicate with each other, for example:

  • actively listening when someone is speaking
  • being on time and prepared for hui


  • List the types of communication you will do by email

Phone calls

  • List the types of communication you will do by phone

Text messages

  • List the types of communication you will do by text

Teams hui

  • Be on time, or send apologies before the hui
  • Keep cameras on

Onsite (kanohi ki te kanohi)

  • List the types of communication you will do face to face

MS Teams chat

  • List the types of communication you will do by chat

How we’ll know if others in the team are available

Examples include:

  • Keep calendars up to date and open to others in the team to view (use private function for any personal appointments).
  • Use Outlook to show availability.

We expect the following from each other when working from home

  • Agreed work from home days to be advised ahead of time, so everyone is aware of how to contact each other.
  • Use the confirmed communication channel should anything urgent arise when in the office or working from home, so the appropriate support can be given.
  • A shared understanding that working from home should not create extra work for those in the office.

We will come together in the following circumstances

Occasionally certain mahi or priorities mean the team may need to be in the office when they would usually be working from home.

  • When scheduling hui, check the availability of all team members for a suitable time. If a specific time is not possible for everyone, make sure to follow up with everyone.
  • If you need to attend a hui in person, on your usual work from home day, speak with your manager prior to the scheduling the hui, so that an alternate work from home day can be arranged.

Our neighbouring teams’ anchor days 

  • Use this section to document the anchor days for other teams whose space you share, or with whom you work closely.