This guidance is currently being reviewed to ensure it aligns with Government expectations as announced on Monday 23 September.

The data to answer this question is still emerging. The following studies give an indication that the amount of work (across the whole economy) that can be done at home is around one-third to one-half of jobs. This will obviously vary between different organisations depending on the type of work.

United States

One influential US study found that 37% of jobs can be performed entirely at home.[1]


A study using the same methodology as the US study found that 41% of jobs can be done from home.[2]


Studies have estimated that between 30% and 47% of the Australian workforce could conceivably work from home.[3]

A NSW study found that most NSW workers can work remotely, but only for part of their work time.[4]

New Zealand

Over 40% of employed people did at least some of their work from home during the lockdown at COVID-19 Alert Levels 4 and 3 in April and early May 2020. By Alert Level 1, 83% were working outside the home and 29% at home.[5]

In November 2021 (when most of New Zealand was in Alert Level 2 and working from home was encouraged) Auckland University of Technology data showed that 48% of respondents were hybrid working, with most working 50/50 office/home. Just under 15% of New Zealand workers were working from home full-time, and 39% were in the office full-time.[6]

A March 2022 survey by the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research found that almost half of New Zealand workers have a choice about working from home outside of pandemic restrictions. Over 35% of respondents indicated that working from home is not possible for their job, and around 5% said they are not allowed to work from home.[7]

 [1] Dingel, J. I., & Neiman, B. (2020). How many jobs can be done at home?. ‘Journal of Public Economics, 189’, 104235. 

[2] (Gallacher, G., & Hossain, I. (2020). Remote work and employment dynamics under COVID-19: Evidence from Canada. ‘Canadian Public Policy, 46’(S1), S44-S54.)

[3] Beck, M. J., & Hensher, D. A. (2020). Insights into the impact of COVID-19 on household travel and activities in Australia – The early days of easing restrictions. ‘Transport Policy, 99’, 95–119; Pennington, A., & Stanford, J. (2020). ‘Working from Home: Opportunities and Risks’ [Briefing Paper]. The Australia Institute: Centre for Future Work; Ulubasoglu, M., & Onder, Y. K. (2020, June 29). Teleworkability in Australia: 41% of full-time and 35% of part-time jobs can be done from home. ‘The Conversation’.

[4] NSW Innovation and Productivity Council. (2020). ‘Our experience during COVID-19 and what it means for the future of work’. Remote Working Insights report 1.

[5] Stats NZ. (2020). ‘Four in 10 employed New Zealanders work from home during lockdown’.

[6] AUT. (2022, February 22). Happy workers are hybrid workers.

[7] Leung, C., & Hogan, S. (2022). ‘Zooming into better work-life balance? Gender and equity insights from New Zealanders’ experiences with working from home’. NZIER report to ASB.