Public Service Futures (PSF) is a cross-agency employee-led network working to connect young public servants with opportunities to influence the future of the public sector.

Young public servants are the future leaders of the Public Service. The sector we inherit depends on decisions made today. The PSF is for young public servants who want to take pride in their profession, and to have a meaningful say over its direction.

What we do 

Public Service Futures exists to deliver on our vision of the New Zealand Public Service being able to anticipate then meet the needs of future Public Servants.

Our values

  • Reliability
  • Inclusion
  • Safety
  • Engagement

By partnering with our sponsor, we can inform our members of opportunities to influence cross-sector change. We also create opportunities for young public servants to connect at networking and professional development events.

Who can join

All public servants who want a stake in the future of the Public Service are welcome.

To hear about upcoming opportunities and/or express your interest in becoming a representative of the network, join the Public Service Futures' mailing list using the button below.

Why join us

This is your opportunity to shape and impact the future of the Public Service. Be a part of this kaupapa by connecting with like-minded young and early-in-career public servants. Join us on our mission to create system change that is collective, creative, and future-focussed.

How to join

Click the button below to join the network. To leave the network, please contact them directly.

JOIN Futures

Who is involved

Geethma Weliwatta
Manatū Hauora | Ministry of Health
Role: Co-chair

Naomi Inoue-Rajapaksa
Manatū Hauora | Ministry of Health
Role: Co-chair

Janne Song
Manatū Ahu Matua | Ministry for Primary Industries
Role: Steering group member

Kauri Te Tearaura
Manatū Mō Te Taiao | Ministry for the Environment
Role: Steering group member

Grace Collis
Manatū Hauora | Ministry of Health
Role: Steering group member

Olivia Mayo
Manatū Hauora | Ministry of Health
Role: Steering group member

Contact us

You can email us at