Our leaders individually and collectively set the strategic direction of the Commission’s work programme in response to government expectations and a dynamic operating environment.

Sir Brian Roche website portrait

Sir Brian Roche KNZM (he/him)

Te Tumu Whakarae Te Kawa Mataaho | Public Service Commissioner, Head of Service

Sir Brian is the Public Service Commissioner and Head of Service. He most recently has been Chair of the Cyclone Recovery Taskforce from 2023 to 2024 and Chair of New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi from 2019 to 2022. Sir Brian was the Chief Executive of New Zealand Post from 2010 to 2017 and prior to this was a Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) from 1987 to 2009.

Learn more about the role of the Public Service Commissioner  

Heather Baggott looking at the camera and smiling

Heather Baggott (she/her)

Te Pou Turuki mō Te Kawa Mataaho | Deputy Public Service Commissioner Tumu Whakarae Tuarua, Tutukinga Mahi a te Rāngai Tūmatanui | Deputy Chief Executive Public Sector Performance

Heather is one of two Deputy Public Service Commissioners, working closely with the Public Service Commissioner to provide leadership and oversight of the Public Service. She is also Deputy Chief Executive of the Public Sector Performance group. Heather has also been an Assistant Commissioner and has held several senior leadership roles in the justice and culture sectors.

Rebecca Kitteridge headshot

Rebecca Kitteridge (she/her)

Te Pou Turuki mō Te Kawa Mataaho | Deputy Public Service Commissioner

Rebecca is one of two Deputy Public Service Commissioners, working closely with the Public Service Commissioner to provide leadership and oversight of the Public Service. From March 2023 to April 2024, Rebecca stepped into the role of acting Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and Chief Executive from her substantive role here at the Commission. Prior to this, Rebecca was Director-General of Security and Chief Executive, New Zealand Security Intelligence Service.

Rau Kirikiri Edit 1

Rauru Kirikiri (he/him)

Kaihautū Te Kawa Mataaho | Kaihautū to the Public Service Commissioner

Rauru (Te Whānau ā Apanui) has a notable background serving iwi, Māori, and New Zealand through his many roles in academia, consultancy, and the Public Service. He specialises in a range of Māori related issues including environmental management, strategic planning, Treaty of Waitangi claims negotiations, policy development, and tertiary education. Rauru is also an experienced resource consent commissioner, has had various academic activities at universities in both New Zealand and Australia, and continues to serve on several committees including acting as Deputy Chairperson of Te Mana Whakahaere o Awanuiārangi. His Public Service career began at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (with postings to Washington DC, Suva, and London); State Services Commission (now Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission); and Department of Māori Affairs (now Te Puni Kōkiri). He has recently returned to the Commission as Kaihautū to the Public Service Commissioner. 

Hugo Vitalis looking at the camera and smiling

Hugo Vitalis (he/him)

Tumu Whakarae Tuarua, Rautaki, Kaupapahere me te Ngākau Pono | Deputy Chief Executive Strategy, Policy and Integrity

Hugo is Deputy Chief Executive of the Strategy, Policy and Integrity group. He has held a number of roles across the Commission including Deputy Commissioner, Integrity, Ethics & Standards and Manager, Innovation and Strategy. Prior to joining the Commission, Hugo held management roles in strategy and policy groups within the Ministry for Social Development. He has also worked at the Ministry of Justice, Legal Services Agency, Wellington Regional Council, Ministry of Culture and Heritage and the Department of Internal Affairs.

Alex Chadwick looking at the camera and smiling

Alex Chadwick (she/her)

Tumu Whakarae Tuarua, Te Ohu Mahi | Deputy Chief Executive Workforce

Alex is Deputy Chief Executive of the Workforce group. With a background as an employment lawyer, Alex has worked in the UK Civil Service (Treasury Solicitor’s Department) and at various legal firms and large corporates in the UK and New Zealand. Before joining the Commission, Alex led the Employment Relations advice function at Fonterra. She has governance experience, serving on a number of boards including Diversity Works New Zealand, and has led and implemented employment relations and workforce strategies in the public and private sectors. Alex was previously Manager of the Gender Pay Taskforce and continues to lead this work as well as the Public Service’s wider diversity, equity and inclusion work programme.

Thor Gudjonsson 2

Thor Gudjonsson (he/him)

Tumu Whakarae Tuarua, Ratonga Whakamana | Deputy Chief Executive Enabling Services

Thor is Deputy Chief Executive of the Enabling Services group. Before taking up this role he was the Deputy Commissioner System and Agency Performance within the Commission. Prior to joining the Commission, Thor held a number of Chief Financial Officer roles including the Ministry of Justice and Ministry for Primary Industries.

Tania Ott October 2020

Tania Ott (she/her)

Kaikōmihana Tuarua, Te Whare Pasifika | Deputy Commissioner, Public Service Fale

Tania is Deputy Commissioner for the Public Service Fale. She joined the Commission as an Assistant Commissioner, and prior to that, was Group Manager Senior Courts at the Ministry of Justice. Tania has also held Public Service roles at the Office of Treaty Settlements, Department of Internal Affairs and Department of Labour (as it was then called) and served as private secretary to several government ministers and as an advisor in the Office of the Prime Minister.