Te Anga Utu a Te Rūnanga Whāiti a Te Kāwanatanga Guidance: Cabinet Fees Framework
Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission provides advice and guidance to agencies on the interpretation and implementation of the Cabinet Fees Framework (the Framework).
Introduced in 1997, the Framework is issued as a Cabinet Office Circular.
The purpose of the Framework is to ensure consistency, contain expenditure and provide flexibility within clear criteria. The Framework provides guidance for bodies whose fees are not set by the Remuneration Authority or the Crown Company Fees Methodology, managed by The Treasury.
Bodies covered by the Framework include Crown entities, including Crown Agents, Autonomous Crown Entities and tertiary education institutions, as well as trust boards, advisory bodies and committees, Royal Commissions, Public, Government and Ministerial Inquiries, statutory tribunals, individuals appointed as statutory bodies that are not covered by the Remuneration Authority and some subsidiary bodies.
The Commission reviews the Framework every 3 years.
The current Cabinet Fees Framework, Circular CO (22) 2, came into effect on 6 October 2022.
Cabinet Fees Framework — Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
Exceptions to the Framework should be discussed with the Commission early in the process. Contact us for assistance in interpreting and applying the Framework: fees@publicservice.govt.nz.