19 December 2023

IEBs must publish their operating procedures on an internet site maintained by, or on behalf of, the IEB. Operating procedures are likely to vary across IEBs depending on their specific functions and purposes, but there are some core items that are likely to be included. This appendix provides a starting point for IEBs to develop their operating procedures ready for publication. It may also be helpful to refer to the published operating procedures of existing IEBs.[1]

  1. Purpose of the IEB (with reference to the policy decisions made in its establishment process)
  2. Other terms of reference matters like background context and accountabilities
  3. Functions and responsibilities of roles
    1. Members
    2. Chair of the IEB (including arrangements for an alternative chair in case of absence, with reference to relevant delegations policies)
    3. Servicing department, especially in relation to legislative compliance (may overlap with servicing department agreement or could simply refer to that agreement in its entirety)
    4. Director of the IEB support unit or secretariat
    5. The secretariat/support unit itself
  4. Meeting processes
    1. Membership
    2. Frequency
    3. Quorum and delegations
    4. Agenda and minutes
    5. Attendance of non-members
    6. Decision-making
    7. Resolution of conflict (the Commissioner, as employer of public service chief executives, would assist in the event of a breakdown in IEB relationships)
  5. Relationships to other groups and other parts of the public service
    1. Senior official groups or other cross-agency teams supporting the IEB
    2. Distinction from servicing department or member agencies
    3. Ministerial relationships
    4. Approach to working with remit agencies not on the IEB
  6. Relationships with Māori
  7. Managing funding
  8. Review of the operating procedures

[1] For example, www.customs.govt.nz/globalassets/documents/beb/operating-procedures-border-executive-board-31-march-2023.pdf, environment.govt.nz/assets/Paper-8-IEB-Operating-Procedures-for-CE-Board-100822.pdf, and www.digital.govt.nz/dmsdocument/233~digital-executive-board-operating-procedures/html.