Ngā Paerewa mō te Ngākau Tapatahi me te Whanonga Standards of Integrity and Conduct
The Standards of Integrity and Conduct (the Code) was issued by the then State Services Commissioner under section 57, of the State Sector Act 1988. The Code continues to have effect under the Public Service Act 2020. It applies to all employees of the organisations defined in section 17(2) of the Act.
All public servants, regardless of their department or agency, must act with a spirit of service to the community and meet the standards of integrity and conduct set out in the Code. Most agencies have their own supplementary codes, supported by internal policies and processes. Breaches of the Code are managed through employment arrangements at the agency level, in the first instance.
By maintaining the expectations set out in the Code, public servants enable the Public Service to maintain the trust and confidence of people in New Zealand.
Separate codes have been issued for ministerial staff and Crown entity board members. The Board code applies to board members of statutory entities (excluding corporation sole) and Crown entity company boards (excluding Crown research institutes and their subsidiaries).
Please note: A refreshed code reflecting the principles, values and language used in the Public Service Act 2020 is in development. The current code continues to apply until a new code is issued.
Code: Standards of Integrity and Conduct