19 November 2024

Ngā tohutohu mai kua puta Published briefings

Listed below are the inaugural Long-term Insights Briefings that have been published by Public Service agencies.

Date published 



August 2023 

Improving Pacific Data Equity: Opportunities to Enhance the Future of Pacific Wellbeing    

Te Manatū mō Ngā Iwi ō te Moana-nui-ā-Kiwa | Ministry for Pacific Peoples 

August 2023 

Precision health: Exploring opportunities and challenges to predict, prevent, diagnose, and treat disease more precisely in Aotearoa New Zealand 

Manatū Hauora | Ministry of Health 

July 2023 

Thriving Whānau in 2040  

Te Puni Kōkiri | Ministry of Māori Development 

May 2023 

Where to from here? How we ensure the future wellbeing of land and people 

Manatū Mō Te Taiao | Ministry for the Environment 

April 2023 

The Future of Aotearoa New Zealand’s Food Sector: Exploring Global Demand Opportunities in the Year 2050 

Manatū Ahu Matua | Ministry for Primary Industries 

April 2023 

Aotearoa New Zealand: Empowered by data  

Tatauranga Aotearoa | Stats NZ   

March 2023

Education For All Our Children: Embracing Diverse Cultures

Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga | Education Review Office 

March 2023 

How can we help biodiversity thrive through the innovative use of information and emerging technologies? 

Te Papa Atawhai | Department of Conservation and 
Toitū Te Whenua | Land Information New Zealand 

March 2023 

Let’s talk about our national security: Engaging an increasingly diverse Aotearoa New Zealand on national security risks, challenges and opportunities 

Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade 
Government Communications and Security Bureau 
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment 
Ministry of Defence 
New Zealand Customs Service 
New Zealand Defence Force 
New Zealand Police 
New Zealand Security Intelligence Service 

March 2023 

The long-term implications of our ageing population for our housing and urban futures 

Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga | Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 

January 2023 

Into the future, what are some of the key areas that will influence the vibrancy and resilience of the cultural sector ecosystem? 

Manatū Taonga | Ministry for Culture and Heritage 

January 2023 

Preparing All Young People for Satisfying and Rewarding Working Lives 

Ministry of Education 
Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment 
Ministry of Social Development 
Ministry for Women 

December 2022 

Long-term Insights on Imprisonment, 1960 to 2050 

Ministry of Justice 
Ara Poutama Aotearoa | Department of Corrections 
Crown Law Office 
Serious Fraud Office 
Inaia Tonu Nei 
Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children 

November 2022 

How can community participation and decision-making be better enabled by technology? 

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs 

November 2022 

The future of business for Aotearoa New Zealand: An exploration of two trends influencing productivity and wellbeing – purpose-led business and use of blockchain technology 

Hīkina Whakatutuki | Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment 

August 2022 

Tax, foreign investment and productivity 

Te Tari Taake | Inland Revenue Department 

August 2022 

The impact of automated vehicles operating on Aotearoa New Zealand roads 

Te Manatū Waka | Ministry of Transport 

June 2022 

Enabling Active Citizenship: Public Participation in Government into the Future 

Te Kawa Mataaho | Public Service Commission 

September 2021 

He Tirohanga Mokopuna 2021: The Treasury’s combined Statement on the Long-term Fiscal position and Long-term Insights Briefing 

Te Tai Ōhanga | The Treasury