17 February 2025

We are currently preparing our second long-term insights briefing, which will explore trends, risks and opportunities facing our Public Service. The briefing is expected to be completed in June 2025.  

More information on long-term insights briefings including a list of published briefings and current consultations can be found on our website. 

Long-term Insights Briefings 

The topic of the briefing 

To help build informed discussion and set the context for the development of our briefing, we consulted on what the focus of our second briefing should be. The consultation document can be found here.  

How is New Zealand’s Public Service prepared for the future?(PDF, 366 KB)

Consultation ran from 16 September 2024 to 13 October 2024. We received 60 submissions both through our online survey and via email. Short email and survey submissions are published anonymously here: 

LTIB topic consultation 2024 - survey submissions(PDF, 197 KB)

Longer email submissions from organisations are published here: 

LTIB topic consultation 2024 - email submissions(PDF, 3.4 MB)

We also completed a submission analysis that summarises the key themes across all submissions. 

LTIB topic consultation 2024 - submissions analysis and summary(PDF, 191 KB)

The Commissioner took feedback from the consultation into consideration and has selected the topic ‘The future of public service integrity’ for the briefing. 

Commissioner's signed memo deciding topic(PDF, 4.6 MB)

While we initially set out to prepare a joint briefing with the Ministry for Regulation and completed the first round of consultation with them, the two agencies have decided to proceed with separate briefings. As a new agency, the Ministry for Regulation is not required under the Public Service Act 2020 to produce their first briefing until 2027, putting them on a very different timeline from the Commission. Running their own process on a different topic will better align with the Ministry for Regulation’s priorities and capacity over the next 18 months. 

Next steps 

We will now start preparing the draft briefing. Once we have a full draft of the briefing, we will again seek public feedback. If you are interested in getting updates on this process and future long-term insights briefings, feel free to email us.
