08 July 2024

The Commission is always looking at how we can improve the quality and transparency of information on the public service. As part of this, we want to make sure people know when information will be available for them.

On this page you’ll find a provisional calendar for all the standard datasets we expect to publish over the next six months.

Please contact commission@publicservice.govt.nz with any queries.  

Public Service Data Releases for the 6 months from July – December 2024

Release Month Data releases and provisional publication date


Kiwis Count Trust survey – June quarter results of trust in the Public Service – Thursday 25 July


Labour Cost Index – June quarter wage movements of public sector – Thursday 22 August


OIA statistics – 6-months to June response rates and compliance with the OIA – Wednesday 11 September





Workforce data – June year release of key workforce metrics and analysis, including contractor and consultant expenditure – Thursday 10 October

Remuneration disclosure for Crown Entity and Public Service Department Chief Executives – six-monthly update and full-year 2023/24 analysis – Thursday 10 October

Kiwis Count Trust survey – September quarter results of trust in the Public Service – Thursday 31 October

Public Service Leaders Group (Leadership Dashboard) – as at August, composition, development and deployment of system leaders – Thursday 31 October


Labour Cost Index – September quarter wage movements of public sector – Thursday 21 November


Workforce data – September quarter release of high-level data on number of FTE and spending on contractors and consultants – Thursday 12 December