Section 01
Section 02
Inclusion Deep Dive Overview and Approach
Section 03
Findings on inclusion
Section 04
Feelings of inclusion for different groups and communities
Section 05
How work and environmental factors influence inclusion
Section 06
Workplace experiences and inclusion
Section 07
Section 08
APPENDIX A - Methodology
82% agree they can be themselves at work
The results show that the majority of people in the Public Service (about 80%) feel part of an inclusive, supportive work environment. We have explored the information people gave us on a range of factors to give us a more in-depth picture of inclusion. We have compiled these findings into the four following areas:
- Feelings of inclusion for different groups and communities
- How work and environmental factors influence inclusion
- Workplace experiences of inclusion
- Barriers to inclusiveness
Responses for all the inclusion questions are also included in the interactive graphic below. Use the drop down menu at the top of the graphic to explore by demographic group or work related factor.