Ngā tauaki pānga Conflicts of interest

These model standards support agencies with effective reporting and management of conflicts of interest.

Model standards: Conflicts of interest

Ngā wāhi mahi pai, haumaru anō hoki Positive and safe workplaces

These model standards support agencies to build and maintain positive and safe workplaces.

Model standards: Positive and safe workplaces


Te whakapuaki kōrero Speaking up

These model standards support agencies to build and maintain a culture that promotes speaking up about wrongdoing.

Model standards: Speaking up in the public sector

Ngā takoha, ngā takuhe me ngā whakapaunga a Te Tumu Whakahaere Chief executive gifts, benefits, and expenses

These model standards support agencies to disclose their chief executive’s gifts, benefits and expenses.

Model standards: Chief executive gifts, benefits, and expenses

Te mahi me ngā mōrehu Working with survivors

These model standards support agencies to work with and empower survivors of large-scale catastrophic events.

Model standards: Working with survivors

Te whakatūturu ohumahi Workforce assurance

These model standards outline expectations for agencies when recruiting staff. It also sets out expectations for serious misconduct investigations and settlement agreements.

Model standards: Workforce assurance

Te kohi pārongo me te whakapono ki te Kāwanatanga Information gathering and public trust

These model standards support agencies with their policies and practices for information gathering.

Model standards: Information gathering and public trust