Since 2018, te Rā Ratonga Tūmatanui | the Public Service Day Awards have recognised public servants who exemplify the spirit of service and are making a real difference through their everyday work for New Zealand or New Zealanders.
The 2023 Public Service Medal recipients. Photo by Mark Tantrum.
Public Service Day is the one day of the year we recognise the outstanding work of public servants, who serve with a spirit of service and a genuine desire to make New Zealand a better place for future generations to come.
Te Tohu Ratonga Tūmatanui o Aotearoa The New Zealand Public Service Medal
Twenty-four medals were conferred on 6 November 2023 to exceptional public servants who demonstrate exceptional commitment, are an exemplary model for others, and bring significant benefit to New Zealand or the Public Service. The recipients were:
Ms Rita Ale, Operational Support Manager, Ara Poutama Aotearoa | Department of Corrections
Rita influences people to make positive changes for themselves and their communities. As a trusted, inclusive leader, she is an incredible role model to the staff and men at Hawke’s Bay Regional prison. Through her leadership she connects people to their culture and inspires them to have pride in themselves, bringing mana back to people who are often excluded from society. Rita lives by the whakataukī Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini - her success is not hers alone but the success of the collective.
Dr Mike Arnold, Distinguished Research Scientist, Callaghan Innovation
Mike has had a profound impact on New Zealand’s science and innovation ecosystem. From farming to food safety, from ecology to healthcare, his ground-breaking innovations have influenced a diverse range of sectors. He is greatly respected for his generosity and willingness to go out of his way to help others. His fundamental motivation is in delivery that makes a difference for people. Mike’s remarkable service, unrivalled expertise and decades of pioneering leadership are an inspiration for the next generation of research scientists.
Diane Anderson, Manager Client Advocacy Reviews, Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora | Ministry of Social Development
Diane is dedicated to putting the needs of others at the heart of all she does and is totally focused on the people she serves. She is uniquely responsible for bringing staff and external representative bodies together to achieve the best outcomes for clients. Her initiative and ability to challenge the status quo have built strong relationships of trust and respect among advocacy services across New Zealand. Diane is renowned for always doing what is right and is an exceptional model of public service.
Ms Karla Beazley, Community Development and Engagement Coordinator, Kāinga Ora | Homes and Communities
Karla demonstrates a quiet, encouraging style of leadership that drives inclusion and empowerment. Her authentic community-first approach has helped shift perceptions of Kāinga Ora to be welcomed as a valuable partner in the region. The spirit of giving and reciprocity that Karla brings is also reflected in the many volunteer roles she undertakes within the community. Described as a local hero, Karla is an example of the difference one exceptional individual can make in the lives of others, through public service and genuine collaboration.
Ms Christina Connolly, Private Secretary, Te Kawa Mataaho | Public Service Commission
Christina understands the important role she plays in upholding trust and confidence in the Public Service. She has effortlessly achieved the confidence of successive ministers in her role as a private secretary. An exemplar of the ‘professional and politically neutral public servant’ in every way, people and relationships are at the centre of everything she does. She is sought after for her expert advice, is totally committed, and always available to get the job at hand done. Christina brings absolute humility and focus on the needs of others to her work every day.
Miss Ange Coyle, Manager Youth, Ara Poutama Aotearoa | Department of Corrections
Ange has been the driving force behind exceptional initiatives which support and advocate for people in the Corrections system. Her commitment to others is demonstrated in her relentless focus on building connections and achieving the best possible outcomes for people. She is the founder and chairperson of the Corrections Veteran’s Network and has led the establishment of a formal national youth champion network across Corrections sites. Ange keeps the people she serves firmly at the heart of her work.
Mr Bruce Ellis, Customs Technical Specialist Electronic Forensics, Te Mana Ārai o Aotearoa | New Zealand Customs Service
Bruce is a visionary in the digital forensic community. He has been instrumental in solving thousands of criminal cases worldwide and protecting countless children from exploitation. His long-standing advocacy has advanced digital forensics for law enforcement agencies in New Zealand and abroad, earning international recognition. Often working diligently behind the scenes, his selflessness and humility are apparent in all he does. Bruce is an inspiration to those he works with and models the best attributes of a public servant.
Ms Judith Forman, Senior Library Advisor, Te Tāhū o te Ture | Ministry of Justice
Judith demonstrates the highest standards of kaitiakitanga every day. Described as a guardian and unsung hero of the public service, she devotes herself to preserving the records that tell the history of our justice system. Judith is always eager to help, totally committed to finding the best quality information for decision makers across the sector. Her work sits at the core of public trust and transparency. Judith is not one to seek recognition and is motivated by a desire to ensure stewardship of information for generations to come.
Dr Mike Hurrell, Radiologist, Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand
Mike holds a deep care for his patients, fellow clinicians, and the wider radiology network. He has been a pillar of strength within the healthcare community, known for his infectious energy and joy for his work. Mike’s students really appreciate his engaging and constructive teaching and the way it reminds them of the important role they play in patients’ lives. Mike’s teaching and encounters have had a huge impact across the system and are a testament to his spirit of service.
Mr Terry Lynch, Principal Advisor, Treaty Analysis and Capability, Manatū Ahu Matua | Ministry for Primary Industries
Terry has built enduring partnerships with tangata whenua to support their fishery and aquaculture aspirations. He has played a key role in legislative development in Māori fishing rights and navigates every situation with integrity and dedication. Those who work alongside Terry say, te tohu o te Rangatira, he manaaki – the sign of a chief is generosity, and he lives this every day. Terry is the epitome of a public servant who demonstrates remarkable responsiveness and understands what it means to serve New Zealand.
Mrs Bev Markham, Regional Manager, Manawatū/Taranaki, Oranga Tamariki | Ministry for Children
Bev is a warm and engaging leader who thrives on challenges. She has devoted her career to improving the lives of New Zealand’s most vulnerable tamariki, rangatahi and their whānau. Her innate ability to make the seemingly impossible happen is reflective of the way she leads with care, drive and selflessness. Relationships and community sit at the heart of all she does, and she has a total focus on the needs of others. Bev is widely respected and is always willing to go the extra mile for the communities she serves.
Mrs Christine McKenna, Regional Manager, Lower South, Oranga Tamariki | Ministry for Children
Christine lives by the motto it takes a village to raise a child. She supports that village through her work and leadership every day. She bridges the relationship with Oranga Tamariki and community partners with a focus on achieving the best possible outcomes. She ensures the needs and interests of tamariki, rangatahi and whānau remain the key focus in all interactions. Christine is well known for the aroha she brings to her leadership and she puts the needs of others before her own.
Mrs Elspeth McNeile, Judge’s Associate, Te Tāhū o te Ture | Ministry of Justice
Elspeth has devoted her life to the justice system and the people of New Zealand. As Auckland High Court’s longest serving Judge’s Associate, she has navigated a multitude of high profile and ground-breaking cases to the highest of standards. She has contributed to maintaining open justice in New Zealand and assisting those who interact with this system. A beloved member of her team, she is known for her sound judgement, wisdom, and most importantly her cheerful nature. Elspeth generously imparts her knowledge and has helped generations of associates to follow in her footsteps.
Mr Qemajl Murati, Head of Refugee Quota Programmes, Hīkina Whakatutuki | Ministry of Business, Employment and Innovation
Qemajl is deeply committed to improving the lives of newly arrived refugees and has provided leadership to the New Zealand refugee resettlement programme for over 20 years. His work is informed by his experience, and it has far-reaching positive inter-generational impact for those he serves. His compassionate, people-centred leadership resonates with all those he meets across the domestic and international communities. Qemajl has an unwavering personal motivation to ensure the best possible services are made available for people settling in New Zealand.
Mr Michael O’Rourke, Principal Analyst, Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora | Ministry of Social Development
Mike is fondly described by his peers as a treasure and fountain of knowledge. With a rare ability to drill down through vast amounts of data, he provides outstanding analysis and advice that shapes everyday services, programme design and long-term policy. His big picture and focused approach has aided his agency and New Zealand through numerous crises such as the lockdowns, cyclones and power outages. Mike’s exceptional character, energy and good humour are truly admirable.
Mrs Harriet Pauga, Regional Director, Pacific Health, Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand
Harriet works tirelessly to deliver for those people most in need and does this with heart, authenticity and warmth. She has led large-scale operations which play a crucial role in achieving equitable health outcomes for Pacific fanau. Harriet not only supports services here in New Zealand but also travels to provide services in Niue and Samoa as part of New Zealand’s Medical Treatment Scheme. Harriet is described as the calm place in the storm and her care and dedication to the communities she serves knows no bounds.
Mr Jon Peacock, Senior Investigator, Digital Child Exploitation Team, Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs
Jon has dedicated his career to regulating harmful content and protecting children both here in New Zealand and abroad. His commitment to this very challenging work area has contributed to the formation and strengthening of the networks required to counter harmful online content. His service to New Zealand, global law enforcement and exploited children cannot be overstated. Jon’s leadership has seen New Zealand gain respect internationally and his expertise is widely sought after. Jon’s selfless and humble service has earned him the utmost respect of all those he encounters.
Dr Hugh Robertson, Principal Science Advisor, Te Papa Atawhai | Department of Conservation
For Hugh, conservation is not just a job but a way of life. As an expert ornithologist of international renown, he plays a vital role in the stewardship of New Zealand’s environment and native species. He demonstrates the highest levels of integrity, professionalism, and dedication. Much of the knowledge we have on kiwi in New Zealand, kākerōri in the Cook Islands and many other species is due to his pioneering research. Hugh’s legacy is not only felt through his work, but in the way he has inspired our future conservationists.
Mrs Penny Rounthwaite, Group General Manager – People, Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora | Ministry of Social Development
Penny leads and serves with openness and genuine care. Her deep understanding of the frontline and her ethos of service inform everything she does. She has been a driving force behind so much important work, from regional social sector trials, student service improvements and more recently the implementation of the Ministry of Social Development’s Pay and Progression framework. For Penny, it’s all about people and she has dedicated her career to doing everything she can to make a difference for the people of New Zealand.
Mr Mark Steel, Director, Regulatory Systems, Hīkina Whakatutuki | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Mark’s impact is felt not only in New Zealand but across the globe. He has been at the helm of some of New Zealand’s largest reforms in regulatory systems, financial systems and consumer protection. A natural connector of people and a respected cultural ally, he has promoted a style of leadership where you can be smart and persuasive without conflict. Mark’s spirit of service shines through not only in his work, but the way he enables others to be at their best.
Mr Chris Szekely, Chief Librarian, Alexander Turnbull Library, Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs
Chris is a highly respected leader in New Zealand’s library and information sector. He has been a steadfast advocate for the importance of the inclusion of mātauranga Māori in library services and the library and information profession. He has driven the evolution of libraries into spaces that reflect the diverse communities they serve through staffing, languages spoken, collections and design elements. Chris’ mana and his resolute focus on the needs of people foster strong respect from everyone he meets.
Mr Russell (Barney) Thomas, Pou Tairangahau, Te Papa Atawhai | Department of Conservation
Barney’s role in developing partnerships between local and central government agencies and mana whenua cannot be overstated. His ability to facilitate meaningful and productive engagements with the community has afforded a level of respect for the Department of Conservation as a trusted and valuable partner. He truly lives and breathes service, embodying the principle of kaitiakitanga across all areas of his life and work. Barney goes above the call of duty and his wisdom, dignity and humble nature is an inspiration to many.
Mrs Cath Thompson, Technical Product Manager, Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora | Ministry of Social Development
Cath’s influence is one that is far-reaching but seldom seen. She plays a critical role in maintaining the information and technology systems that keep New Zealanders supported financially. Not only does she keep the system running, but she embraces change and supports her colleagues along the way. She is a go to person for her extensive knowledge and client-centric approach. Cath will always go that extra mile to help her peers and is seen as a ‘guiding light’ within the Ministry of Social Development.
Mr Alan Wilson, Group Director Operations, Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand
Alan has had a transformational impact on equitable health outcomes in the Lakes region and New Zealand. Throughout his career he has been at the heart of creating robust operating systems, managing clinical quality and community engagement. Alan is committed to elevating the needs of Māori and Pacific communities and has played a key role in building a positive organisational culture. Those fortunate to work alongside Alan are inspired by his drive, generosity, and his utmost focus on improving the future of healthcare for all.
Te Tohu Amorangi a Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commissioner's Commendation for Excellence
On 8 November 2023, 20 public servants were awarded the commendation for their outstanding spirit of service.
The 2023 Public Service Commissioner's Commendation for Excellence recipients. Photo by Yuxin Liu.
Ms Jo Darby, Team Manager, Engagement Programmes, Manatū Ahu Matua | Ministry for Primary Industries
Jo is making transformational change in New Zealand’s biosecurity system. She has been a driving force behind key biosecurity initiatives across the country, forging strong relationships with local communities, business sector, iwi and hapū every step of the way. Jo is a founding member of ‘Ko Tātou This Is Us’ a collaborative movement protecting the unique ecosystems and food systems we rely on. Despite her immense contribution, she never seeks personal recognition and is always the first to celebrate the accomplishments of others. Jo’s impact will be felt for generations to come.
Mr Nick Eagland, Probation Officer, Ara Poutama Aotearoa | Department of Corrections
Nick’s spirit of service is reflected in the compassion and manaakitanga he shows for the people he interacts with. Whether they want to earn their licence, learn how to budget or cook, Nick goes out of his way to support people towards their goals and to gain the skills they need to thrive. He puts heart into every interaction and is making a real difference in the lives of New Zealanders in the Corrections system. Nick always acts with kindness, loyalty and honour, and his infectious laugh brightens up every workplace.
Mr Keith Gilchrist, Maritime Helicopter Replacement IPT Leader, Manatū Kaupapa Waonga | Ministry of Defence
Keith is a role model public servant who possesses high integrity and professionalism. His leadership of complex and fast paced projects has established a blueprint for excellence within his organisation. Never one to be deterred by setbacks or barriers, his focus on the best outcomes is second to none. Despite the complexity and challenges of his role, Keith always makes time to nurture the wellbeing of his team and champion mental wellness across the organisation. Keith is innovative, influential and exceptionally caring.
Mr Ron Grindle, Strategic Advisor, Te Tari Taake | Inland Revenue
Ron has been at the forefront of transforming New Zealand’s tax and social policy system. His thought leadership and generosity with his time and skills make him highly regarded and sought by many. If Ron sees opportunities across the system to improve outcomes for New Zealand, he is proactive in collaborating to drive change. He supports others to lead courageous conversations, truly embodying the Public Service principle of giving free and frank advice. At the heart of Ron’s work is a deep care for the economic and social wellbeing of New Zealanders.
Mrs Iwa Hamilton, Manager Client Service Delivery, Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora | Ministry of Social Development
Iwa is a heart centred leader who regards herself as a ‘servant to the people’. When working with communities, Iwa truly immerses herself to understand their needs and to find the best approaches. She serves with positivity and kindness. She played a key role in rallying others in the response to Cyclone Gabrielle. Known as ‘whaea’ to staff and clients alike, she empowers those around her with confidence and knowledge in tikanga, te reo Māori and kawa. Iwa truly leads from behind, taking great joy in seeing others around her succeed and thrive.
Miss Liz Inch, Communications Manager, Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand
Liz is an inspiring, compassionate leader and an incredibly staunch advocate for the community she serves. She is always seeking new ways to reach and engage with the people of Te Tai Tokerau to promote healthy lives and better mental health services. Her deep commitment and passion for promoting equitable public health outcomes drives Liz to perform her role with tremendous humility. Liz is motivated by a higher purpose and yet she remains firmly grounded in local values, and she never seeks any accolades for her work.
Pip Kernaghan, Integrity Intervention Officer, Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora | Ministry of Social Development
Pip is a genuine people person. For over five decades she has dedicated her life to serving New Zealanders, both from the frontline and behind the scenes in key policy and delivery projects. People who cross paths with Pip are treated with enormous empathy, sensitivity, and respect. She does not rest until she knows she has supported clients in every way she can and empowers her team to do the same. Pip’s incredible commitment and heart for her mahi is second to none.
Mr Hans Key, National Advisor Pacific Responsiveness, Mahi Haumaru Aotearoa | Worksafe
Hans has been a catalyst for change in the health and safety world. Recognising a gap in education and initiatives tailored to Pacific peoples, he led the establishment of the Puataunofo “Come Home Safely” programme. This uses the values, language and contexts that resonate with Pacific workers and their communities. He never puts himself front and centre and believes in meeting people where they are. Hans enriches the lives of others every day and this is a true testament to his spirit of service.
Mrs Elizabeth Kingi, Team Lead, Customer and Compliance Services – Individual, Te Tari Taake | Inland Revenue
Liz is a living embodiment of whanaungatanga, manaakitanga and mahi tika. She always strives to provide exceptional services to the most vulnerable customers and advocates for them in everything she does. Her natural gift for storytelling plays a powerful role in shifting mindsets and ensuring services are mana-enhancing. Liz continuously inspires her team to look at things differently and helps them gain a deeper understanding of the realities of life for some of Inland Revenue’s clients.
Mr Mark Luiten, Assistant Commissioner of Patents, Hīkina Whakatutuki | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Mark is a highly trusted and respected thought leader. With a background in physics and engineering, he has brought real value to New Zealand’s innovation system. He ensures patents and designs are to the highest of standards and that examiners and applicants are supported with best practice. Mark is unafraid of challenging assumptions and taking new paths in finding solutions. He does not seek to be in the spotlight but those who know him attest that he deserves it most of all. Mark is knowledgeable, pragmatic and always has a twinkle in his eye.
Sarah Mustafa Rajab Abdul Majeed-Gale, Oral Health Therapist, Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand
Sarah’s commitment to improving the oral health of underserved populations is nothing short of exceptional. Amidst her busy day-to-day role, she has built strong relationships to ensure equal access to dental care. Sarah knows that one size does not fit all and has actively established programmes for Māori and utilised her Arabic language and cultural skills to better serve and create a comfortable healthcare environment for refugee communities. Sarah’s kindness has touched the lives of many tamariki and whānau and sets an example for public servants across New Zealand.
Mr Grant Myhill, Manager Payroll, Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora | Ministry of Social Development
Grant always puts the needs of others before his own. Described as a ‘true hidden warrior’, he has worked in a number of critical roles supporting clients and specialist teams across the Ministry of Social Development. In recent times, Grant stepped up to lead the implementation of the Ministry’s new payroll system, working around the clock to ensure a seamless transition for employees. Valued right across MSD for his client-centric focus, dependability and poise under pressure, Grant truly embodies a spirit of service in everything he does.
Mr Dean Nelson, Senior Ranger, Biodiversity/Project River Recovery, Te Papa Atawhai | Department of Conservation
Dean is driven to make a difference in New Zealand’s biodiversity. With a strong duty of care and enthusiasm, he has played a vital role in key initiatives such as the protection of Hoiho/yellow-eyed penguin, the royal albatross, kaki/black stilt and project river recovery to name a few. He is a familiar face across the country as an active advocate of the importance of tackling biodiversity challenges. He has truly established a benchmark for enduring partnerships with the private sector. Dean is an exemplar public servant, always acting with integrity, innovation and respect.
Ms Cheryl Moana Te Mori Pakaru, Recovery Partner Physical Injury, Te Kaporeihana Āwhina Hunga Whara | Accident Compensation Corporation
Cheryl builds every new relationship with active listening and deep understanding, bringing her mātauranga Māori and aroha to every interaction. She’s not afraid to challenge processes in order to aid her clients through their recovery. Her skills and reputation mean she is approached by colleagues from all over the country for input, and she always makes herself available to support others. Cheryl is respected for her humility and generous spirit, bringing wonderful energy to any space she is in.
Ms Malia Sio, Team Leader, Customer Support Centre, Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities
Malia leads with sincerity and is gifted at empowering others. She encourages her team to provide services for individuals and whānau that break down barriers and instil a sense of stability in their lives. She is a fierce advocate of diversity, inclusion, and positive workplaces. Inside and outside of work, Malia uplifts cultural competency through the celebration of Pacific and Māori networks and events. Those who know Malia are inspired by her strength, patience, and endless aroha for others.
Mr Andre Taylor, Journey Manager, Waka Kotahi | New Zealand Transport Agency
Andre does his utmost to ensure all road users in his region are heard and truly listened to. As a former serious crash investigator and Hawke’s Bay Waka Kotahi lead in the response to Cyclone Gabrielle, Andre fronts difficult conversations with immense empathy and consideration. Following extreme weather events, Andre has been a key connector between rural communities, iwi, contractors, and agencies, restoring the region’s essential infrastructure. It is clear that Andre puts the health and safety of others at the forefront of everything he does.
Ms Miriam Urlich, Senior Policy Analyst, Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education
Miriam does not draw attention to herself or her work, and few would realise the significance of the impact her efforts have had. As New Zealand’s preeminent policy expert on student support, she has been integral to improving access to and affordability of tertiary education. Over a million ākonga have benefitted from student financial assistance via the system Miriam played a crucial role in shaping. Her compassion for others, depth of skill and unwavering championing of early-in-career professionals set Miriam apart as an exemplary public servant.
Mrs Kathy Wainui, Case Manager, Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora | Ministry of Social Development
Kathy has made a profound impact on the lives of many across Invercargill. When clients walk into her Community Link Centre, they know they will be met by her friendly face, and always treated with sincerity and warmth. She walks the journey with her clients and is responsive to their health, wellbeing and employment needs. She is valued by her colleagues for her dedication, extensive institutional knowledge and mentorship. Kathy’s sense of pride in her work shines through in her service to her community.
Mrs Emily Wikingi, Senior Digital Advisor, Manatū Mō Te Taiao | Ministry for the Environment
Emily is described as a true powerhouse. She has made an extremely positive impact in the digital space with her passion for user experience. She is a strong advocate of encouraging accessibility and championing the use of te reo Māori in the redevelopment of the Ministry’s external website. She has also been greatly instrumental in raising internal capability in te reo Māori and kapa haka. She is always the first to volunteer her time. Innovative, curious and courageous, Emily is recognised for her unassuming and generous leadership and mentoring.
Mr Apanui Williams, Principal Advisor, Toitū Te Whenua | Land Information New Zealand
Api is a leader that ‘walks the talk’. He has been the driving force behind uplifting engagement and partnership with iwi. A highly respected kaumātua, Api has a special talent for drawing out people’s best selves and forming connections between them. He shares his knowledge freely, helping others on their own paths in building cultural capability and upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Api is commended for his grace, diplomacy and most importantly, his ability to brighten any room with his sharp sense of humour and wit.
Ngā Pae Kaiwhakawā Selection Panel
Gaye Searancke
Gaye is Deputy Public Service Commissioner at Te Kawa Mataaho | Public Service Commission. Gaye has been appointed until January 2024 from her substantive role as Secretary for Land Information and Chief Executive, Toitū Te Whenua | Land Information New Zealand, a role she has held from 2019. Prior to her role at Toitū Te Whenua, Gaye was a Deputy Commissioner at IR and held senior roles at agencies including ACC, MBIE and the Ministry of Economic Development (as it was then called).
Debbie Power
Debbie is Secretary for Social Development and Chief Executive of Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora | Ministry of Social Development. She began her career on the frontline of the Public Service when she was 16 years old. Since then, she has held a range of senior roles at MSD including Deputy Chief Executive, Service Delivery; Deputy Chief Executive, Office of the Chief Executive; and Regional Commissioner, Northland. She was previously the Statutory Deputy State Services Commissioner at the then State Services Commission (now Public Service Commission).
Leauanae Laulu Mac Leauanae
Leauanae is appointed as Secretary for Culture and Heritage. Prior to this appointment he was Secretary for Pacific Peoples and Chief Executive of Te Manatū mō Ngā Iwi ō te Moana-nui-ā-Kiwa | Ministry for Pacific Peoples. He has held roles as Chief Executive at Pacific Cooperation Foundation, General Manager at Pure Pacifika Limited, and Pacific Health Manager at ProCare Health Limited.
Nicola Purvis
Nicola is the Deputy Secretary of the Cabinet (Constitutional and Honours) at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, taking up the role in February 2023. Prior to this role, she was the Legal and Insurance Lead, Three Waters National Transition Unit at Department of Internal Affairs. She has also previously held the role of Chief Legal Officer at Te Kawa Mataaho | Public Service Commission.
Chappie Te Kani
Chappie is Secretary for Children and Chief Executive of Oranga Tamariki Ministry for Children. Prior to this role, he was Head of System Assurance and Continuous Improvement in the COVID-19 group at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. He has also served as Assistant Commissioner at Te Kawa Mataaho | Public Service Commission.
Paul James
Paul is Chief Executive for Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs, Secretary for Internal Affairs and Local Government, and the Government Chief Digital Officer. The GCDO is responsible for digital transformation across government agencies to deliver better services to citizens. This functional leadership role spans information management, technology infrastructure, and technology-enabled business processes and services. He has been a public servant since 1993, starting his career at Te Puni Kōkiri. Paul has also worked at the Treasury, Ministry of Justice and ACC. From 2015 to 2018 he was the Chief Executive at Manatū Taonga | Ministry for Culture and Heritage.