System leads are appointed under the Public Service Act 2020. System leads are mandated to lead across the Public Service in relation to a particular area or function.  They do this by creating a common vision for the future, setting standards and frameworks for agencies to operate within, co-ordinating and supporting best practice and looking for opportunities to work better together.

System Leads are appointed by the Public Service Commissioner to lead and coordinate best practice in a particular subject matter across the whole or part of the State services.

Public Service Act 2020

System leaders are responsible to their appropriate Minister for achieving agreed outcomes. All of the System Leads have work programmes that have been endorsed by the Government.

Improving property, procurement, digital, data and information security across the Public Service

Strengthening regional system leadership for the public service

Seven system leads have been appointed across the public service:


Andrew Clark
Information Security Lead

Carolyn Tremain
Procurement Lead, Property Lead

Mark Sowden
Data Lead

Paul James
Digital Lead

Debbie Power 
Regional Lead

Peter Mersi
Service Transformation Lead

Information Security Lead

The information security lead sets foundational information security controls for information held within IT system that departments must follow and use performance controls to support prioritisation of digital investment to lift information security across government.

Government Chief Information Security Officer (GCISO)

  • Andrew ClarkTe Tumu Whakarae mō Te Tira Tiaki | Director-General of the Communications Security Bureau and Chief Executive

    Te Tira Tiaki | Government Communications Security Bureau

    Andrew is the Director-General and Chief Executive of the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) and the Government Chief Information Security Officer. From 2018, he was the Chief of Air Force at the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF). Before this, Andrew held several high-level positions within NZDF, including Deputy Chief of Air Force and Director of Defence Intelligence.  

    October 2023 

    National security

    Leadership groups
    Te Ohu Tumu Whakarae i te Ratonga Tūmatanui Public Service Leadership Team

    Information security lead


Procurement Lead

The procurement lead is responsible for strengthening leadership and oversight of suppliers and agencies in key procurement sectors. A core part of this role is helping to ensure that agencies collaborate around sourcing and purchasing common goods and services.

More information on Government Procurement

Property Lead

The property lead manages the portfolio for government office accommodation and manages the pipeline of work. This leader sets the strategic direction for a standardised approach to property that public service agencies then follow to ensure we are aligned in how we are organised to work.

More information on Government Property

Data Lead

The data lead directs agencies to collect data where this is beneficial across the system, and set standards on collection and storage of data. Agencies engage the data lead on proposed data initiatives to ensure alignment in the use of information.

Government Chief Data Steward (GCDS)

  • Mark SowdenTe Tumu Whakarae mō Tatauranga Aotearoa | Government Statistician and Chief Executive

    Tatauranga Aotearoa | Stats NZ

    Mark is Government Statistician and Chief Executive of Tatauranga Aotearoa Stats NZ. He also holds the role as Government Chief Data Steward, supporting government to realise the potential of data to improve wellbeing, while maintaining and building trust in its use. Mark’s previous roles include Deputy Chief Executive at the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and Deputy Chief Executive at Stats NZ.

    January 2020

    Central agencies

    Leadership groups
    Te Ohu Tumu Whakarae i te Ratonga Tūmatanui Public Service Leadership Team

    Functional Lead (Chief Data Steward)

    Digital Government Leadership Group 


Digital Lead

The digital lead drives implementation of the Digital Public Service Strategy, which influences how the public service uses technology. They lead the development of shared digital process and infrastructure which agencies can then adopt.

Digital Government

Regional Lead

The regional lead focuses on how the public service organises, aligns, and delivers services in the regions and how the regions stay connected to national priorities.

Public Service in the regions

  • Debbie PowerTe Tumu Whakarae mō te Whakahiato Ora | Secretary for Social Development and Chief Executive

    Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora | Ministry of Social Development

    Debbie is Secretary for Social Development and Chief Executive of Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora Ministry of Social Development. She began her career on the frontline of the Public Service when she was 16 years old. Since then she has held a range of senior roles at Ministry of Social Development including Deputy Chief Executive, Service Delivery; Deputy Chief Executive, Office of the Chief Executive; and Regional Commissioner, Northland. She was previously the Statutory Deputy State Services Commissioner at the then State Services Commission (now Public Service Commission)


    February 2019


    Populations and communities


    Leadership groups
    Te Ohu Tumu Whakarae i te Ratonga Tūmatanui Public Service Leadership Team

    Regional lead


Service Transformation Lead

The service transformation lead focuses on how we align and deliver services to common customers using digital technology.

  • Peter MersiKaikōmihana o Te Tari Taake | Commissioner of Inland Revenue and Chief Executive

    Te Tari Taake | Inland Revenue Department

    Peter is the Commissioner and Chief Executive of Te Tari Taake Inland Revenue. He was previously COVID-19 system leader, on secondment from his substantive role as Secretary for Transport and Chief Executive of the Ministry of Transport, a position he held since 2016. He also previously served as Chief Executive, Land Information New Zealand, and Acting Secretary for Internal Affairs, Department of Internal Affairs. Before his chief executive roles, Peter was a Deputy Commissioner at Inland Revenue and a Deputy Secretary at the Treasury for 7 years.

    July 2022



    Leadership groups
    Te Ohu Tumu Whakarae i te Ratonga Tūmatanui Public Service Leadership Team
