Tā Te Kawa Mataaho kawenga Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission’s role
We provide guidance to the boards of Crown agents, autonomous and independent Crown entities and Tertiary Education Institutes on chief executive terms and conditions including remuneration. This guidance is used by boards who employ chief executives and are therefore responsible for agreeing the terms and conditions with their chief executives and the Commissioner. The Individual Employment Agreements are finalised after the Commissioner gives their consent.
Te whakarite taiutu mō ngā tumu whakarae Setting remuneration for chief executives
A board chair must seek consent from the Public Service Commissioner before finalising Crown entity chief executive terms and conditions. This includes when appointing/reappointing and reviewing the chief executive’s annual performance.
Section 117, Crown Entities Act 2004 — New Zealand Legislation
Te whakapuaki taiutu tumu whakarae Chief executive remuneration disclosure
All Crown entity chief executives’ remuneration is disclosed annually on the Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission website. This information is requested of the chairs at the point of chief executives’ annual performance reviews.