In 2017 a group of volunteers from different public sector organisations came together and formed the Cross Agency Rainbow Network (CARN). CARN is made up of LGBTTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, takatāpui, queer, intersex, asexual, plus) people from different organisations across the Public Service.

What we do 

CARN was formed to share information and support each other to build internal rainbow networks and has grown into a thriving forum for collaboration to raise the profile of rainbow communities and inclusion within the Public Service. 

We aim to strengthen participation, representation and respect of LGBTTQIA+ kaimahi throughout Aotearoa New Zealand's public sector. 

The Rainbow Chief Executives panel at the 2023 CARN conference with Peter Mersi from Papa Pounamu on the screen.

Who can join

If you work in the Public Service and are LGBTTQIA+ you can join our network.

We endeavour to be accessible, inclusive, welcoming and representative of all LGBTTQIA+ communities.

CARN membership is also open to active allies working in the public sector, so long as they uphold the purpose of CARN and the wellbeing of diverse LGBTTQIA+ people in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Why join us 

Our mahi within the Public Service includes: 

  • working together to ensure rainbow voices are included and respected  
  • sharing information and resources to support each other and build internal rainbow networks 
  • advocating for and celebrating the diversity of rainbow communities. 

How to join

Click the button below to join the network. To leave the network, please contact them directly.


Who is involved

Carolyn Tremain
Chief Executive for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Role: CARN sponsor since 2021

Bridget Murdoch (she/her)
Manatū Mō Te Taiao | Ministry for the Environment
Role:  Toihau-Takirua CARN Co-chair

Jen Wilde (she/her)
Te Tari Taake | Inland Revenue
Role: Toihau-Takirua CARN Co-chair

Jaimee Matthews (they/them, she/her)
Te Tari Taake | Inland Revenue
Role: Kaiarataki Pāpāho CARN Communications Lead 

Lottie Borra (she/her, they/them)
Manatū Mō Te Taiao | Ministry for the Environment
Role: Kaiarataki Wheako CARN Membership Experience Lead

Rāwiri Te Hurinui-Haumaha (Ia, they/them, he/him)
Hīkina Whakatutuki | Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment
Role: Kaiarataki Pāhekoheko Intersectionality and Engagement Lead

Mana Whakahaere General Governance

Hayley Goldthorpe (they/them, she/her)
Hīkina Whakatutuki | Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Nat Simon (they/them)
Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora | Ministry of Social Development

Sophie Parker (sher/her)
Ara Poutama Aotearoa | Department of Corrections

Sunny Houston (she/her)
Te Kaporeihana Āwhina Hunga Whara | Accident Compensation Corporation

Theresa Peters (they/them)
Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora | Ministry of Social Development

Contact us

You can email us at

Whakamana Ira Tangata

Whakamana Ira Tangata is a group that sits within the wider Cross Agency Rainbow Network. We are open to all gender diverse, transgender and gender questioning people within the Public Service.

Learn more