We recommend a table format for reporting progress to date and planned actions. Figure 2 (below) is an example of how this could look. To ensure your table is as accessible as possible, do not use bullets or merge cells.


Action area

Progress to date

Planned priority actions 2025

Success indicators

Starting salaries

Introduced starting salaries calculator in 2021

We will update the starting salaries calculator to include ethnic groups

No gaps in starting salaries for similarly skilled and experienced employees in the same or similar roles


Salary for the role has been included in job ads since 2022


No gaps between groups in average position in range for starting salaries


Gender gaps in starting salaries have fallen each year since 2021

BAU: We monitor position in range (PIR) by gender and ethnicity in our regular quarterly data review.

There is no significant unexplained difference in the average starting PIR by gender or ethnicity.

Figure 2: Table of progress to date and planned action