Te Tauākī Whanonga mā ngā kaimahi tūmatanui Code of Conduct for public servants

The Code of Conduct for public servants applies to all employees of the organisations defined in section 17(2) of the Public Service Act 2020.

Standards of integrity and conduct

Te Tauākī Whanonga mā ngā Kaimahi Minita Code of Conduct for ministerial staff

This code has been issued to Ministerial staff who work directly to a minister in a minister’s office. The nature of the role means that ministerial staff are not required to be politically neutral.

Code of Conduct for ministerial staff

Te Tauākī Whanonga mā ngā Mema Poari o ngā Hinonga Karauna Code of Conduct for Crown entity board members

This code has been issued to all board members of statutory entities (excluding corporations sole) and Crown entity companies (excluding Crown research institutes and their subsidiaries).

Code of Conduct for Crown entity board members

Te Tauākī Whanonga mā ngā Kaiwhakahaere i raro i te Ture Tahua Tūmatanui 1989 Ngā Kamupene Āpitihanga 4A Code of Conduct for the Directors of Public Finance Act 1989 Schedule 4A Companies

This code sets out the minimum standards of integrity and conduct for directors and should be read in conjunction with the duties of directors as set out in the Companies Act 1993 and other applicable legislation.

Code of Conduct for Directors of Schedule 4A Companies