Cabinet Fees Framework

System lead: Te Kawa Mataaho | Public Service Commission 

Cabinet Fees Framework – Oct 2022

Public Service Commission provides advice and guidance to agencies on the interpretation and implementation of the Cabinet Fees Framework (the Framework). See Section 47(1)(a) of the Crown Entities Act 2004

Bodies covered by the Framework include Crown entities, including Crown Agents, Autonomous Crown entities and tertiary education institutions

Contact for further advice:

Requirements and expectations

Crown Agents

Autonomous Crown Entities

Independent Crown Entities

Crown Agents: Board fees set under the Cabinet Fees Framework (except for corporation sole entities)

Ministerial expectations:

Fees for board chairs, deputy chairs and members are paid within specified range for the classification of each entity. Monitoring departments provide advice to the responsible Minister about fee levels paid to Crown entity board members

Autonomous Crown Entities: Board fees set under the Cabinet Fees Framework (except for corporation sole entities)

Ministerial expectations:

Fees for board chairs, deputy chairs and members are paid within specified range for the classification of each entity. Monitoring departments provide advice to the responsible Minister about fee levels paid to Crown entity board members

Independent Crown Entities: Board fees determined by the Remuneration Authority

Ministerial expectations:

Fees for board chairs, deputy chairs and members are paid within specified range for the classification of each entity. Monitoring departments provide advice to the responsible Minister about fee levels paid to Crown entity board members