Te Taunaki Public Service Census 2021 found that 84% of public servants are strongly motivated to stay in the Public Service because their work contributes positively to society.

Most public servants are strongly motivated by a spirit of service. To ensure the Public Service remains a great place to work, we need to continue to preserve, protect and nurture the spirit of service, and ensure we support our people to deliver their best. Te Taunaki findings show that although there’s a high degree of job satisfaction, it’s below the satisfaction level of employed New Zealanders overall. Satisfaction with work-life balance is also behind that of other New Zealanders.

Te Taunaki tells us that public servants who have flexible work options experience more job satisfaction and are more satisfied with their work-life balance. Initiatives such as the positive and safe workplaces programme, as well as supporting organisations to embed flexible working arrangements will help to ensure the Public Service is inclusive, diverse and safe for all. Greater access to career development and improved employee cross-system equity are being progressed including increasing consistency in employee terms and conditions, and by the creation of the Workforce Mobility Hub.

Positive and safe workplaces

Flexible working options

Workforce Mobility Hub

An important part of our work is acknowledging and rewarding outstanding contributions through our awards and recognition programme. Through this programme, we celebrate individual and collective efforts by public servants and highlight the spirit of service they bring to their mahi.